
Our Beating Hearts — Where the Rhythm Lies

Thank you everyone who sent me such warm messages of support. You guys seriously rock. I feel completely blessed to know such wonderful people. You all make my life more colourful!

I had the echocardiogram today and I am pleased to announce that my heart is beautiful. Chockablock full of love. πŸ™‚ Not perfect, but not dangerous at the moment. I am feeling blessed, relieved and joyous.

And yes, I really did lie on the table, watching my heart beating away on the screen up on the wall, with great big smile on my face as I thought of all the dancing we do together. And as I watched the repetitive swing and flow motion of the heart, I hypothesised about whether our hearts might be the source of our sense of rhythm in dance.

Is it possible that the most important dance routine of our lives begins and ends in our hearts, literally?

Do I sound mad? I don’t really care. I am acutely aware that we are all insanely blessed to have a heart that just keeps beating and beating and beating, without rest for our entire lives — which are mostly long lived!

If that isn’t something to be grateful for, then I don’t know what is!

The photo is me on the way home, looking goofy in some ridiculous headphones and grooving out to some of my favourite tunes.

I love all of you and your beating hearts.



14 thoughts on “Our Beating Hearts — Where the Rhythm Lies”

      1. Hehe thank you! I am Kat, after all… =^..^=

        I’ve made different ones. Let’s see if I can remember…

        =^..^=___/ ~^..^~

        eh that’s all I can remember without racking my brain. I need coffee for that!


  1. How nice to know nothing’s the matter! And what a very beautiful (and deep) thought! Our hearts are the base of the rythm we dance to.. very poetic πŸ˜‰


  2. Enjoyed your philosophy in this entry so much, BB. Best of all, it IS romantic, like ballet, and it is so nice to know you are ok! πŸ™‚ The picture of you is lovely – serene, happy, relieved.


  3. So glad you are alright πŸ™‚ I just love your perspective on things.
    Reading your post made me imagine all the other beautiful (and brave), adult ballerinas dancing to the “rhythm of their hearts” all around the world πŸ™‚ Thank you.


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