
gwenyth Modern Classic Top + Tunic

Dearest Readers,

I’m excited to tell you about the Modern Classic Top + Tunic by gwenyth, a product I was asked to review, and fell in love with in the process.

This product is very versatile and acts as a supportive dance/workout top which converts to a tunic if you should so desire. It’s kind of like a singlet that’s had a NASA make-over, with thoughtful strap adjustments for better comfort, an extra back strap for more adjustments and two different styles of bra pads.

Firstly, this top came in packaging that knocked my socks off! I know, I know, I don’t even care about packaging, so why am I suddenly getting all distracted with it? I almost want to hold a competition for the best packaged product now. Just so I can see the pretty packages! I think I’ve turned. Packaging has seduced me. I’ve been pulled. I’m becoming a packaging addict! I need a support group and a program with steps. Somebody get me some steps!!

Immediate Impression:

Really nice. Beautifully soft, but not flimsy, fabric. Love the ‘ballet pink’ colour I got, it’s a light, almost neutral pink, which means you will be able to wear the top out to other places.

Within the box is the top/tunic, an extra back strap for added adjustments should you need it, bra pads for either shape and support or just for extra coverage and instructions about all these gorgeous gwenyth components.

As an added bonus, and in MacGyver-esque style, the extra back strap can also double as a headband. I have no photos of me wearing the headband as I haven’t enough hair yet, but I was reviewing it so I did put it on, and it is soft and doesn’t pull on my scalp like so many other headbands do. So if my hair is ever allowed to grow longer again, I will definitely use this headband.

How it fits and feels:

The gwenyth top feels VERY comfortable on. The soft fabric is gentle but supportive. Nothing twists around or rides up the waist.

It fits perfectly as it should for a ballet/dance top. Nice and snug to hold everything in place. It feels supportive in the bust without cutting into the shoulders and also feels comfortable around the torso.

I have quite wide shoulders compared to the rest of me and I often find cross over straps are uncomfortable on my shoulder blades as the proportions just aren’t right for my shape, but I found being able to adjust the straps on the gwenyth top eliminated that problem. So big tick from me on that one!

How it looks on (is it stylin’?):

I really like the look of the gwenyth top. I would wear it during a ballet class or going out. I would have no trouble going to lunch, movies or the gym in this top.

I might not wear this top during a Studio Tibor group class as I prefer to wear a leo in that class for the sake of formality, but in other classes I would be very comfortable in it.

Again, I love the colour. It’s unassuming, which I love as you can dress it up or down as you please.

The ties on the side for adjusting the length are neither here nor there for me, visually, but during a class I would tuck them under.

How it performs:

I honestly thought that this part might be the undoing of this gwenyth top. My two big concerns were about the sides of the top riding up during class and about the colour being so light during a sweaty workout — I was looking for that “Oh crap! You can see my everything!” moment. But I was pleasantly surprised when neither of those became an issue.

You all know from my previous reviews that my favourite items of dance gear are ones that I don’t notice I’m wearing. Well, this product hit a home run there.

I thought this top was going to ride up on the sides when doing port de bras but it didn’t. I didn’t once have to stop and adjust this top during class.

And what about that sweat? The gwenyth top wins again with this one. Firstly, I don’t know what they’re doing with their fabric, but it actually took a lot for the sweat to begin showing through this top, and my followers and dance buddies know how drenched I am during class. Also, the coverage bra pads would stop that worry about the lighter colour becoming see-through when drenched. (But I wanted to try it without just to see.)

This top also has a built-in “Sling Bra” which adds to its comfort and support during class.

My favourite things about this product… 

– The obvious quality that has gone into it.

– The support and comfort it gives.

– The ability to adjust the top to the length you want. (I really liked having this top down over my hips during class. Felt really comfortable and looked nice.)

The Tunic…

Okay so the other element of this product is that the top can be pulled down at the sides and become a tunic. This isn’t my usual style (so my tunic pics were a bit awkward) but I think this is a neat idea and it would look great on lots of people.

It would definitely be comfy to wear with tights on the way to the studio or gym.

Do I recommend it?…

Yes. I definitely recommend this product. The product itself is great quality and very comfortable, but I also love the company’s philosophy of trying to get one product perfect before moving on to new products. The gwenyth company is not putting quantity before quality and they really genuinely want to do right by their customers.

Hope you enjoyed this review. If you’re interested in checking gwenyth out, click on this link: gwenyth website. For anyone interested in making a purchase, gwenyth have kindly give Bush Ballerina readers a fabulous 20% discount. All you gotta do is use the code xoBushBallerina20 when making your purchase.

[I was given this product in return for an honest review. As per my agreement with companies requesting a product review, I will only actually write reviews about products that I like — because I just don’t want to spend time on stuff that doesn’t float my boat. Therefor this is an honest review. I genuinely love the product. I also have no affiliation with products bought or links clicked on.]

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